Drinking Water Resources
The NRSD Facilities Department oversees multiple public water supplies throughout the district, including wells at Hale Middle School, Center School, Sawyer School (which includes Emerson), and Nashoba Regional High School. These well sites and water supplies are managed by the Facilities Department and operated by Whitewater, Inc.
As public water supplies, we ensure compliance with Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) requirements, including reporting and testing schedules. According to the schedules provided by the DEP, we conduct regular testing for copper and lead, typically on an annual basis or every three years. Additional testing will be completed as our DEP-mandated sampling frequency requires or by inclusion in the proposed RFI. These tests and their results can be found below.
Center School
Center School Water System
Drinking Water Notice of Non-Compliance
Lead and Copper
Center School (10-02-2024 Test)
Lead: .0034 mg/L (Action Level .015mg/L)
Copper: 0.756 mg /L (Action Level 1.3 mg/L)
Stow Center School Schools Consumer Notice.pdf
Stow Center School 90th Percentile Compliance Report.pdf
Stow Center School -L&C Final.pdf
Center School
Center School Water System
Drinking Water
Lead and Copper
Center School (10-02-2024 Test)
Lead: .0034 mg/L (Action Level .015mg/L)
Copper: 0.756 mg /L (Action Level 1.3 mg/L)
Stow Center School Schools Consumer Notice.pdf
Stow Center School 90th Percentile Compliance Report.pdf
Stow Center School -L&C Final.pdf